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The Israel-Lithuania Chamber
of Commerce and Industry
ILCCI is a nonprofit Association, the purpose of
which is to promote, strengthen and encourage bi lateral trade relations.
The Chamber, in doing so, focuses on Life Science and ICT
(see Israel Lithuania Technology Hub website –,
as well as trade and investment in other sectors, traditional and otherwise.
Izraelio - Lietuvos prekybos ir pramonės rūmai
Prekybos Rūmai gali padėti Izraelio investuotojams suinteresuotiems investuoti Lietuvoje įvairias būdais:
užmegzti naudingus ryšius, konsultuoti iškylančiais klausimais, bendradarbiavimo procesolydėjimas.
לשכת המסחר והתעשייה ישראל - ליטא
הינה עמותה ללא מטרות רווח, ששמה לה למטרה לחזק ולקדם את היחסים הכלכליים והמסחריים הייחודיים בין ישראל לליטא בתחומים של: סחר, השקעות בתעשייה וחקלאות, מכוני מחקר ופיתוח, תשתיות ותקשורת ועוד.
Chamber Services
The Chamber assists Israeli businessmen and entrepreneurs who wish to invest in Lithuania in various
ways, starting with effecting introductions, recommending professional service providers through
assisting throughout the process.
Chamber members enjoy discounted fees and exclusive services.
Keeping members up dated with regards to business developments and opportunities in Lithuania.
Seminars and Workshops.
Networking and Chamber events.
Assistance in forging business and professional ties in Lithuania – special reduced fees for Chamber Members.
Invitation to participate in outgoing delegations and to meetings with incoming delegations to and from Lithuania.
Possibility of advertising through the Chamber website.
Receipt of Chamber Newsletter, including news and up-dates.
Source of information about events of the major commercial and economic organizations both in Israel and in Lithuania (Export Institute, Manufacturers, Association, Embassies etc.)
Further benefits for Chamber Members